The Revengerists Consortium of Stuff Wiki

The Beastmaster Trailer

Lords and Masters over all beasts. Beastmasters.

Not to be confused with Beatmasters or Mastbeaters.

Some Beastmasters are only masters of specific types of beasts like birds or bees or dragons. This can be okay, I guess but really like instead of focusing on other unimportant stats maybe continue ranking your Beast Mastery, it's not min-maxing it's important for character

you do have to wonder if all the beasts are okay being bossed around by a beast master even if the beast master is respectful and experienced -- the thing is you only ever see them having mastery over beasts that are amenable because any other beasts that would not agree are fucking off somewhere else. Beast Masters, should they be Beast Masters true, would never force a beast to act against its accord.

To a beast master the mutual respect with nature and communing with the beasts and the beasts spirits and the beasts spirits insides all of us, is the most important thing in their quest usually. It's weird so many white people excel at beastmastering. And usually they're screwing with local geopolitics or toppling tyrants or becoming tyrants as their primary focus and then beastmastery is more of a weapon or power to those ends. huh.

you know I'm not certain that tiny cute ferrets would willingly run into a fiery imploding fortress to help finish off a deranged sorcerer. I just don't see it. And if we're really being honest all these bears and jaguars and wolves would probably rather eat a self-proclaimed master of beasts first and foremost as their natural prerogative. Talking animals out of eating you is an impressive and necessary survival skill, granted. But can we say that these animals weren't coerced in any way.

I mean we're not accusing them of any Milo & Otis fuckery here. There's nobody who has ever alleged that your usual legendary Beastmasters are doing anything as bad as, say, when the Disney documentarians forced lemmings off of a cliff. Well there was that one time that Beastmaster Tasha the Blonde c.4000BCE rode a wave of lemmings that she commanded off the edge of a waterfall to certain death so she could leap and grab the escaping tail of a Dragon Lord and retrieve the eggs of Destiny. But I mean, we wouldn't really have a Worldpulse if she hadn't done that, so sure it's sad that some lemmings died but let's put things in perspective.

So I guess what I'm saying is; Beasts, turn on your Masters and devour them whole. No more Beastmasters.

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