The Revengerists Consortium of Stuff Wiki


Doctor Stevie Strange is not really all that strange in the grand schemes of things (even compared to most of those he goes up against) and he's no longer even a practicing doctor, unless he got some sort of degree in sorcery which is not only redundant, but it's also overpriced and oh I guess our tax dollars are just going to bail out Mr. Superhero oh wait sorry, I don't want to make it sound silly, Doctor Strange. Oh, he eats silly foods and goes to exotic locales, but so what? That just makes him rich.

I am told is actual last name is Strange, but honestly I don't care how strange it is. I have heard a lot of very strange names from all over the world, multiple worlds, and multiple planes of realities. People have all sorts of names that just sound or look weird, some even after saying them over and over again like O'Neill. But Strange isn't that strange of a name, just because it's an existing word that means something. There are plenty of normal words that are also normal names, first or last: Chase, Hue, Violet, Rob, Bill, Iris, Cutter, Dent, Shoemaker, Glockenspiel. Glockenspiel is a way stranger word than strange. It's stranger than strange. Ice strange.

His story is all-too typical and not in any way out of the ordinary. He was a non-mild-mannered arrogant and high-priced surgeon who took people's lives into his own palms and thus thought he was Gods' gift to lives. He sped through life carelessly like he was immortal, though he was soon gonna crash. Motor vehicle deaths are a leading cause of death in the area that this happened, also known as Dead Man's Drop No Really Don't Drive Here Idiot. But due to the sort of unearned bravado and false feelings of invulnerability typical to high-priced surgeons and teenagers, Doctor Strange drove right off the cliff. He just drove right off of it. People who were watching from their palatial balconies (and couldn't be bothered to help) said "what, did he just drive off? huh." He struggled at the bottom of the car as it filled with water from the bottom of the bay at the bottom of those cliffs. He died there, and his story ended, as it has with so many others. "Don't Drink and Drive kids, and only vape on special moccasins" -Oddjog

Years later, he had finished his unnecessary degree in sorcery, in order to repair his irreparably damaged hands. He never did repair the +50 necrotic damage, and instead decided to put on magic shows. He eventually failed upward so much and saw so many of his superiors fired or promoted or transferred to other transdimensions, that he was the only one left to fill the position of Surceror Sorpreme. In this sacred role, he must continue to put on silly magic shows for the truly Strange Gods from realms of madness and power. If he were to stop creating new matter by pulling rabbits out of hats or making pieces of rope that he cut suddenly uncut thus breaking forms of causality, these monstrous forces would consume our own existence, a thought so massive and horrific that you can't even be bothered to consider it.

Breshvic used to think he was cool, until he met him and realized that in person he is not that impressive, still just as arrogant as before, and kind of has piggy eyes. Der Kirche traveled to distant lands and climbed several mountains, and then after that was kind of thirsty and stopped by one of this guy's temples. Seeing he was busy, the Revengerists sorcerer decided to take it upon himself to help himself to having all of the books in the library. Then using a Dimension Door Rip, he returned to his own study having concluded his workout regimen, and never thought about it again. The Dimension Door Rip allowed billions of zombies to invade the other universe, which distracted "Doctor" Strange from his puppet show or whatever, and then one of the Strange Gods (omg did you think it was going to be ALL of them, wtf is wrong with you?) cleaved all their dimensional matter in two and sucked their existence up in wet torn ribbons of reality, sluicing down the slavering gullet of Sluicor the Intemperate.
